Workplace stress causes more than just headaches

Workplace stress causes more than just headaches

Over 60% of clients who present for help with motivation, sleep, mood swings and fertility issues are stressed at work, by a huge range of factors.
Apart from the effects this has on the individual, the effects on business are:
loss of productivity; increased sick leave; and conflict in the workplace.
Get a Stress Reduction Program started in your workplace, soon, and watch morale improve.

The Perverse Will to Growth

Great photo! What amazing weather, wet and wild, perfect for doing all the things that have been left for a rainy day.

the worm

Take Schopenhauer, Darwin, Nietzsche, Heidegger, then throw in a healthy dose of Taoism  and you pretty much get the secret sauce, or the meaning, of life. Schopenhauer, through his importation of ancient Hindu philosophy, was the first Western philosopher to posit that all existence is defined by the Will to life, and that this is an evil force that only produces pain and suffering. Darwin of course gave us the mechanism of natural selection, showing us how this Will might actually function in the real world. Nietzsche attempted to modify Schopenhauer through his idea of the Will to Power, or the Will to Growth. Heidegger believed that modern technological “enframing,” or viewing the world and entities within it as only resources to be exploited, was a pernicious force that humankind must learn to resist. Taoism holds that the cycles between this forceful Will and its eventual decay, death and resettling are the key…

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