A nail brush for Valentines Day?


I had a friend last year who happily presented her lover with a nailbrush (new!) for Valentine’s Day last year. He had mentioned during the week that the old brush needed to be replaced, and she trusted he would love her gift: what she also gave was her time, sitting with him, relaxed,being fully present, without feeling guilty, or anxious that she should have bought flowers or chocolates, or a cute card.

This year millions will be spent on these must haves for sweethearts, plus the obvious favourite gift of champagne.

Do we really need to go through all the anxiety, guilt and expense of telling someone we care?

This year, give the gift of time. Being fully present, just focusing on the wonderful feeling of sharing that precious commodity, time, without being caught up in the rush of all the things we need to do; should do, or must do.

And, maybe a nailbrush, or even better, a toothbrush, to show you really care.